It is that time of the year again! The weather and temperature have been turned up a notch.
That’s right, summer is here!
With the holiday season just around the corner, it is expected for your pool to get its most use over these next few months. Your pool area will most likely be busy with kids jumping in on Christmas Day or your family going for a dip on those excessively scorching days.
All these activities may cause you to worry about how the pool water will affect your luscious green lawn.
But don’t fear, the splashing from the pool and the dripping from those exiting doesn’t necessarily mean having a pool will ruin your lawn.
To find out more on pool-neighbouring lawns and the common concerns, keep reading below.
Will my pool cause a problem for my lawn?
Pools are a staple for Australian yards. From residential backyards to resort pools, the grass is no stranger to the pool. But good news, those minimal water contacts won’t ruin your lawn!
Let’s be real; it is unrealistic to expect the neighbouring lawn not to experience a few splashes and wet feet from swimming sessions.
In saying that, just because you put a lawn and pool close together doesn’t necessarily mean your lawn is immune to the harsh impact of pool water. This goes for both salt and chlorine-based pools.
Saltwater pools and your lawn health
When it comes to saltwater pools – or saltwater in general – excessive contact with your lawns can cause trouble in root growth. The high levels of salt can prevent nutrients and water from being absorbed into the grass, making it dry out.
However, this is only generally experienced when large amounts of saltwater are spread onto the grass.
To avoid this, you can spray down the grass and dilute any saltwater that may have made its way onto the grass. Getting a turf variety with a high salt tolerance like Sir Walter Buffalo grass is also recommended.
Chlorine pools and your lawn health
For chlorinated pool water, you should have little worry about your grass being impacted. Most varieties will survive being near the chlorinated pool surface as it doesn’t have a high enough concentration to burn your lawn.
To be safe, it is smart to give your lawn a quick hose after a long day of using the pool. This is to dilute any large amounts of water after a long day of swimming, just like you would a saltwater pool.
This is especially important if you accidentally drop or spill pure chemicals onto your grass. Undiluted chlorine can be harmful to your lawn, making it incredibly important you mitigate it by adding a decent amount of water.
What happens if a lot of pool water contacts my lawn?
As mentioned above, if a lot of pool water contacts your lawn, you should give it a spray with clean water.
After a long day of swimming with the kids, it’s common for your lawn to get in contact with a decent amount of pool water.
By cleaning it with water, you are diluting and washing away the mix of chemicals, whether it be salt or chlorine. This will keep your grass safe from the harsh impacts that could occur if untreated.
Although it will need to be a large quantity for this to happen.
If it is only a small amount of water from the kids jumping a few times, you can be assured this will do minimal harm.
Most types of grass are resilient enough to withhold little amounts of diluted chemical water.
However, if you are cleaning or emptying your pool, you must reduce the chlorine concentration of your water before it is emptied onto surrounding lawns. This should be minimised to a level of 0.1 parts per million. This will decrease the chance of any impact it may have.
Ideal turf varieties for lawns surrounding a pool area
The type of grass you pick can depend on your pool type, that is whether you are covering a small area of grass nearby a pool or a surface edging the pool itself.
If your pool is chlorinated, most type of grass varieties should survive. This is assuming only the diluted water from the pool is being splashed onto it – not straight chemicals (remember to dilute with fresh water if this does occur).
If your pool relies on saltwater, then you will want to invest in a salt-tolerant turf like Sir Walter. A salt-tolerant variety will not only give your lawn a better chance of surviving, but it will also mean your lawn can withhold from the salt and repair itself if minor damage is done.
This would be the best choice of grass if you wanted to surround your pool with grass instead of pavers. To top it off, Sir Walter Buffalo grass comes at a great price! Making it one of the most desirable options on the market.
Are you looking to buy your salt-tolerant grass? Buy your Sir Walter grass from Sydney Lawn & Turf Supplies. As one of the leading turf suppliers for Sydney, Wollongong and the Central Coast, we know Sir Walter well and can help you get the best pool-side lawn possible.
Be quick and buy your turf now by visiting our website. To find out more on our services, give us a call on 1800 458 859.