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Why Choose Eureka Kikuyu Turf

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Kikuyu turf has become a popular and cost -effective choice for large areas and home lawns. A great performer in most climate conditions, Eureka Kikuyu does well in frost as in full sun – making it an excellent turf option for areas in the South.

Benefits of Eureka Kikuyu

While Kikuyu is a great, practical turf, there are many other reasons why this variety should be chosen. Let’s find out what makes Eureka Kikuyu the best option.

It’s an all-rounder turf

Eureka Kikuyu turf is proven to adapt to almost any Australian condition. It has an attractive, medium-coarse blade leaf that is strong and resilient all year round.

It is frost-tolerant

One of the winning qualities of this Kikuyu variety is its capability to adapt to any Australian condition – particularly frost. Eureka Kikuyu has an excellent frost tolerance. While it may stop growing during the cold months, it will retain its green colour well throughout the winter.

It is found in crowd-favoured areas

Due to its sturdiness and high wear tolerance, Eureka kikuyu turf variety is mostly used in high profile arenas, commercial areas and sports centres. As a cost-effective turf variety, it has gained a reputation for covering large and high maintaining areas including schools, ovals, golf courses, race tracks and football fields.

It copes well with high wear from pets and people

When it comes to rapid growth and recovery, Eureka Kikuyu is one of the varieties on the top list. Its dense growth and deep root allow it to grow and recover quickly even from extreme wear. Like the Sir Walter variety, Eureka Kikuyu is also great with pets and people because it can tolerate frequent heavy activities.

Quick facts about Eureka Kikuyu turf

  • Eureka Kikuyu is an Australian-bred Kikuyu variety.
  • Australians prefer Kikuyu turf over Bermuda grass to cover large areas.
  • It is used for erosion control along watercourses because of its capability to stabilise soil.

Before you make your final buying decision, it is best to consult with your local turf suppliers in Sydney and ask about varieties that work well to your area.

High-performing and low-cost Eureka Kikuyu Turf from leading turf suppliers in Sydney; order direct from the farm and save. Call 1800 458 859

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