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Where can I buy Sir Walter buffalo grass?

Sir Walter Buffalo Grass

As a good Australian you know that the only lawn choice for your front yard is DNA certified Sir Walter turf. As the most popular turf in Australia Sir Walter has proved itself as the very best choice for almost anyone who wants a beautiful patch of green in this wide brown land of ours.

So you’re shopping for Sir Walter. But where do you go to buy it?

Beware of knock-offs

There’s a price attached to fame. People inevitably end up copying you. Sir Walter has a reputation as the best, most popular grass out there, and there are plenty of untoward turf retailers who want a slice of the pie. As such, over the last decade a variety of ‘Sir Walter’ labelled products have been sold to unsuspecting buyers that aren’t actually 100% Sir Walter. They may be diluted with lesser quality breeds of Buffalo, or not have any relation to the original Sir Walter at all.

For this reason the people at Lawn Solutions Australia (LSA) – who originally developed Sir Walter back in the 90s – have implemented a certification program that is designed to weed out those who may be taking liberties with the Sir Walter name. LSA have conducted thorough testing on all LSA members’ Sir Walter stocks, ensuring that all products described as Sir Walter are exactly that.

What to look out for

Where can you buy proper Sir Walter? Firstly you’ll need to find a turf retailer that is a Lawn Solutions Australia member. They are very easy to identify, generally having an LSA logo on their website and displayed at their premises.

Once you’ve identified the retailer as an LSA member, you next need to check that their Sir Walter has been DNA certified by LSA. If LSA finds that the stocked grass is genetically identical to the original strain of Sir Walter, it is labelled ‘DNA certified’. Be sure to ask to see the certification if you are unsure of the legitimacy of a grass.

Provided both of these boxes are ticked, you can be confident that the grass you roll out is nothing but 100% Sir Walter buffalo turf.

To find out more about Sir Walter and other turf supplies in Sydney, call the friendly team at Sydney Lawn & Turf on 1800 458 859.

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