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Home / Blog / We celebrate our AusGAP Certification and our high quality DNA Certified Sir Walter

We celebrate our AusGAP Certification and our high quality DNA Certified Sir Walter

A new certification has been introduced to ensure Australia’s turf producers and growers are meeting the highest international standards, and the great news is that we passed with top marks. The new certification, AusGAP, is a comprehensive analysis of our business and turf growing practice. To learn more about this new certification read on.

sydney-lawn-turf-sir-walter-dna-certifiedAusGAP explained:

AusGAP evolved as a local certification for the International Turfgrass Genetic Assurance Program (ITGAP). It is a way to ensure the genetic purity of the turf varieties being sold in Australia. The testing involves sending samples of turf to be genetically tested and analysed by a team of scientist. They test the entire turf growth process from seedling to re-implantation. The certification then looks at the environmental practices of a business and how the turf is being sold, installed and guaranteed. AusGAP has been tailored to the Australian market and growing conditions. It’s aim is to ensure that Australian turf buyers are getting the best quality product that will not cause environmental degradation or bring pests or disease. The testing process includes pre and post-sale requirements and the certification of staff, ensuring they are appropriately trained and well versed in their product.

We are proud to have passed this new AusGAP certification. Our Sir Walter DNA Certified turf has been undergoing genetic tests for a while now so this new acknowledgement of our hard work is the cherry on top of the cake. We are proud to always offer a quality product via our knowledgeable and passionate crew. As always, we only offer turf that is genetically pure, free from pests and disease and suited to the Australian climate. Making your backyard a lush green expanse with the best quality grass is something we all take pride in, so you can be confident that choosing Sydney Lawn and Turf Supplies will be a great experience.

To discuss your turf requirements for your home or business please get in touch on 1800 458 859.

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