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Turf for Warm Australian Regions

waem season turf supplies sydneyAustralia’s demanding environment can make choosing a turf variety difficult. It requires research, professional advice and the understanding of turf characteristics. There are turf types available specifically for warm parts of Australia and others are best suited to the cooler locations. Each grass variety has different characteristics suited specifically to each region of the country.

Australia is made up of both warm and cool regions. Warm season grasses grows best in the North, while cool season varieties adapt well in the Southern states. Warm Season grasses are usually hard wearing, drought resistant and require less water than cool season grasses.

What can happen if wrong turf is used?

Selecting the wrong turf for your region could potentially result in lawn that performs poorly in sever cold or hot weather. It is important to select the right turf for your region as it will ensure that your lawn remains luscious green and healthy all year round. When selecting a turf for your project, consider factors such as the purpose of use, sun and shade conditions, soil conditions and the amount of maintenance required.

Warm Season Turf

Sir Walter Turf is one of the most popular warm season grass varieties in Australia. It makes a great all-rounder turf and a perfect choice for families. It has a soft-leaf blade and is non-allergic which makes it safe for children and pets to play on.

Recommended turf for warm regions:

Sir Walter and Kikuyu are among the preferred lawn varieties in the warmer regions of Australia. Both are hard-wearing and thrive well in full sun. Sir Walter is a stunning green lawn that is smooth on the skin. Kikuyu turf is affordable and an ideal choice for large areas with high traffic such as parks and golf courses.

Smart Buying Tip: Look for turf suppliers associated with Lawn Solutions Australia. These suppliers offer an exclusive 10 year warranty with every turf order.

Before you make your choice, consult with a lawn expert specialising in Turf Supplies Sydney to ensure that you pick the turf variety to best suit your climate.

Need help with your lawn? Call a lawn solutions expert on 1800 458 859.

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