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Home / Blog / Survive the Hot Dry Summer with Sir Walter Turf

Survive the Hot Dry Summer with Sir Walter Turf

Sir Walter Turf

Climate Scientists are predicting a hot, dry summer this year. Have you taken actions to help your lawn survive, such as laying drought-resistant Sir Walter Turf?

With much of southern and eastern Australia having experienced record-breaking drought and heat this spring, climate scientists predict that -thanks to the effects of the current El Niño system, Sydney is in for a hot, dry summer. This is bad news for many lawns and gardens, with Sydney and New South Wales often being the worst suffering locations within Australia. The Bureau of Meteorology states that conditions can last from around one to eight years, and can include:

  • reduced rainfall
  • warmer temperatures than normal, more frequent extremes
  • increased fire danger for southeast Australia

This could mean that your lawn will struggle to survive the next few summers. As Sydney residents who remember previously harsh El Nino periods would know, harsh water restrictions could be a death sentence if your lawn is not drought resistant.


Consider drought-resistant lawn options

Drought-resistant lawn options, such as Sir Walter, are the best way to ensure your lawn, not only survives, but thrives through these hot, dry conditions we can expect for some time ahead. Sir Walter Turf has been bred specifically for harsh Australian climates, and thrives in warm, dry conditions. Do your part to help Sydney during these harsh conditions. Using up to 2-3 times less water than other grasses, Sir Walter Turf will help cut individual water costs, ease the burden on water supplies, and keep your lawn looking healthy!

If your lawn looks like it won’t survive this summer, consider switching to Sir Walter Turf today. If you have questions about how to help your lawn survive hot, dry conditions, ask our lawn solutions experts on 1800 458 859. Sydney Lawn & Turf Supplies provide premium quality Sir Walter, Kikuyu, and Couch turf varieties. For more information, visit www.sydneylawnandturf.com.au.

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