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5 reasons why lawn is better than any other outdoor ground cover

5 Reasons Why Lawn is Better than Any Other Outdoor Ground Cover

Lawns are an Australian institution, offering a beautiful yet usable ground cover to generation after generation of homeowners. But why do we Aussies love lawn so much? Why do we pick lawn solutions over other ground cover options like concrete, pavers or pebbles? Lawns are an Australian institution, offering a beautiful yet usable ground cover to generation after generation of homeowners. But why do we Aussies love lawn so much? Why do we pick lawn solutions over other ground cover options like concrete, pavers or pebbles?

There are quite a few reasons why lawns represent the best ground cover option for Australian homes – and here are five of the best.

It acts as an air conditioner

It is incredible how much of a cooling effect a lawn can have on the area around it. When compared to other ground covers, in the heat of summer lawn can be:

• 10C cooler than bare soil

• 20C cooler than bitumen, concrete or pebbles

• Up to 40C cooler than synthetic grasses

In fact, an average sized lawn has the equivalent cooling effect of almost 10 tonnes of air conditioning, but without the negative greenhouse effects!

It stops erosion

Most Australian grasses are by design drought resistant. This generally means that their roots stretch far down into the ground, enabling them to access the water table. These roots are also magnificent at holding the soil in place, stopping erosion in its tracks.

It cleans the air

Grass, being a photosynthetic plant, converts harmful carbon dioxide into life-giving oxygen. And it does so with incredible efficiency – just a 10 square metre patch of lawn can generate more oxygen than the world’s largest tree!

It filters groundwater

Not only does lawn filter the air, it also filters water. The blades, thatch and roots act as a sieve, collecting the nasties while leaving the moisture that seeps through to the water table fantastically clean.

It reduces your fire risk

Finally, a healthy lawn will actually reduce your fire risk! Green grass won’t burn efficiently at all – particularly if it has been wet down first. By surrounding your premises with healthy turf in Sydney, you’re going a long way to protecting your family from bushfires.

To find out more, call the leading turf supplier, Sydney Lawn and Turf on 1800 458 859.

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