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Protecting your turf from lawn grubs

Lawn grubs – also known as army worms – love to feed on turf at this time of year, especially freshly laid turf. Maintaining that vibrant green lawn that you’ve always dreamt of can therefore be quite a difficult process. In order to protect your lawn, it’s important you understand the correct processes that will maximise how healthy it is, therefore prolonging its life and giving your home a greater ambience. Whether its Couch, Kikuyu or Sir Walter grass, the price of protecting your lawn from these pests is far less than the benefits you will reap, so it’s a worthwhile measure.

Before we begin, you’ll be happy to know that protecting your lawn from army worms is quite simple, but it does need to be done relatively quickly. Lawn grubs have the ability to chew through large amounts of turf in a matter of days, and you don’t want to be left with a dead-looking lawn. Resurrecting dead turf can sometimes be difficult so it’s imperative you go to war with these army worms immediately.

Before you do apply any grub killers to your lawn, you need to identify if army worms are actually the reason for your dull-looking turf. You may notice birds hanging around your lawn a lot, and even tearing it up. This is one of the most common signs that lawn grubs are present, as birds love to feed on them. You will also notice some large brown patches of grass. If these patches stay brown for quite some time then you should examine them to see if the grass can easily be pulled up, due to having no roots. This is a huge indicator of lawn grubs. If your lawn is spongy then this can be another sign of these pests.

There are many insecticides on the market that can get the job done quite quickly. If you’re unsure of what product to go with, we’re happy to recommend a suitable lawn grub killer. Before proceeding with your lawn protection, it’s important you read the safety instructions of your insecticide product, and always make sure you’re using a product that is suited to your specific lawn type.

As these army worms are most vigorous at night time, your best option is to apply your grub killer at night. If the grubs are still visible after your initial application, you should reapply your lawn with the insecticide, allowing you to win the war for good.

For more information on lawn grub protection or any other grass care including Sir Walter grass price or the best turf prices on the market, feel free to contact us at Sydney Lawn and Turf on 1800 458 859!

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