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Home / Blog / Practical Tips to Help Your Sir Walter Lawn Survive the Winter

Practical Tips to Help Your Sir Walter Lawn Survive the Winter

sir walter maintenance winter

Frost and heavy wind can have a damaging effect on your Sir Walter lawn. Even the hardiest grasses have a tendency to change colour and develop thatches due to low temperatures.

Preparation and maintenance ensures that your Sir Walter turf stays healthy, green and attractive throughout winter. Here are some easy tips on how to protect your lawn from winter damage.

  • Aerate your lawn. Aerating helps keep the lawn healthy and weed-free. It allows more air and water into the roots so it can acquire the nutrients it need. It is also important to fertilise and water the lawn properly after aeration.
  • Mow at the right height. It is recommended to keep the lawn turf from 50–60mm during the winter months. Keeping the turf long helps reduce its resistance to frost, but keeping it can lead to bare patches.
  • Fertilise in early autumn. Early autumn is the best time to fertilise turf to survive frost. If you want to know suitable fertilisers to use for your Sir Walter, ask your local turf suppliers in Sydney.
  • Dethatch your lawn. Winter salts may cause turf to develop thatches. If not removed, they will affect the roots and surrounding turf. Using a rake, take out any dead grass after mowing.

These lawn care tips will keep your lawn green and healthy through winter. If you have questions about your lawn maintenance, ask lawn solutions experts on 1800 458 859.

Sydney Lawn & Turf Supplies provides premium quality Sir Walter, Kikuyu, and Couch turf varieties. For more information, visit www.sydneylawnandturf.com.au.

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