Why should I choose instant lawn for my property?
To roll out instant lawn, or to not roll out instant lawn; that is the question. For Australian homeowners the dream of having the perfectly turfed yard could be just a phone call away. But is instant lawn the best option for your property? Here are just a few reasons why it might be.
It’s Quick and Easy
The name ‘instant lawn’ doesn’t lie; the process to install your turf is an incredibly quick one, requiring nothing more than some light soil preparation beforehand, and some quick ‘watering in’ afterwards. In the space of just a few hours you can transform your patch from a bare square of nothingness into a luscious green paradise.
It’s Environmentally Friendly
Compared to most other surfacing options instant turf is the far more environmentally friendly choice. Just a 10 square metre patch of Sir Walter will produce more oxygen than the world’s biggest tree! But not only will your family be enjoying the freshest of air, instant lawn can minimise the heat reflected into your house, and can help to control erosion on your property.
It’s Surprisingly Cost-Effective
It’s a common misconception that instant lawn is an expensive option – that you pay the price for convenience. When compared to other surfacing options such as concrete, pavers, synthetic turf or even planting a garden bed, per square metre instant lawn consistently comes out on top in cost-effectiveness. What’s more, you get something far more fetching than a slab of concrete in your front yard!
It’s Got Some Little-Known Benefits
A few benefits that you may not have thought of include:
- It will filter the water that works its way into your property’s water table
- It captures dust and dirt, minimising the need to clean your house and cars
- It has been proven to increase the value of your home
- It offers a super safe and cushiony playing field for kids and adults alike
- It serves as a natural fire break in fire danger season
For all these reasons and more, instant lawn is a fantastic choice for any Australian household. Paired with our affordable cost of laying turf, Sydney Lawn and Turf can help give your lawn the best establishment possible. Contact us today to find out more!