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How to Pick the Right Turf for Your Lawn

Sir Walter Buffalo TurfOne of the factors that contribute to a beautiful lawn is using the right turf. Almost all lawngrasses have characteristics that are suitable for certain environments.

Since the types of turf vary in type, colour, texture, tolerance and maintenance, choosing the most suitable one for your lawn can be a tough task. Choosing a turf will be a lot easier if you know what you want and if it fits your needs. Consider the following factors before buying turf your lawn:



Purpose – What is expected?

It is important to specify the turf purpose. Identifying this helps determine which turf is perfect for your lawn. You can use the questions below as a guide:

  • Will it be used to give cover to soil?
  • Will it be for soil erosion prevention?
  • Will it be applied on areas exposed to vehicles or foot traffic?
  • Will it be applied on areas where children play?

Turf performs best when it suits its environment while others can work well in any condition. Take Sir Walter Turf as an example. Sir Walter is very adaptive meaning it can grow anywhere. Most people use this turf variety because it needs less maintenance.

Maintenance – At what level?

Each turf variety has a different growth rate and habit. Therefore, their need for maintenance such as fertilisation, mowing and irrigation differ from the other.

When choosing a turf, determine what level of maintenance it needs and if it matches your preference. Below are some basic types of turf maintenance:

  • Watering
  • Fertilising
  • Mowing
  • Irrigation
  • Soil Cultivation
  • Thatch Removal

Environmental Conditions – How much can it endure?

Make sure that the turf you choose is compatible with the kind of climate in your area. Some are suited for warmer environments while others do better in cooler conditions. Some types of turf can grow better in certain soil conditions than others. It’s just a matter of measuring the soil’s pH value.

Another factor to consider is the amount of stress the turf can withstand. Some turf types have good wear and tear tolerance. These types of turf are suited perfectly for high traffic areas such as sports fields and driveways.

Our Sir Walter Buffalo Turf is specifically designed to withstand Australia’s harsh and unpredictable climate. Exceptionally tough and resistant to a range of environmental challenges, this premium turf is cultivated on our farm to deliver outstanding performance in both sunny and shaded conditions. Perfect for Sydney lawns, Sir Walter Buffalo Turf is DNA-certified, guaranteeing the purity and authenticity of every roll. This ensures you receive a low-maintenance, high-quality lawn that stays resilient season after season. Plus, with a 10-year product warranty, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your investment is protected.

Before making your purchase, check with your lawn solutions provider to learn more about turf varieties suited for your area.

Contact Sydney Lawn & Turf Supplies Sydney for expert advice in getting the best lawn turf, call 1800 458 859.


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