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How to make your turf last longer

How to make your turf last longer

Look out the window and take a moment to admire your turf. Is it nice and vibrant? Does it hold a healthy thick texture that looks luscious enough to lay down on?

There is nothing better than a superior turf, especially when you’ve put your time and effort into getting it to that point.

The good news is you don’t have to lose the turf you admire! With our tips, we can help you keep the turf you love last as long as possible. To see how you can make your turf last longer, keep reading below.

Buy from an AusGAP certified turf supplier

To ensure you can even achieve a lawn that will last, you should purchase turf with long-term growth and durability in mind. This means buying quality turf from a top turf supplier.

We suggest you buy turf from an AusGAP certified turf supplier to guarantee that you’re getting quality grass.

Buy from an AusGAP certified turf supplier

Through stringent annual testing, the AusGAP accreditation program guarantees that the grass products are genetically pure. It also ensures that the growing, production, delivery and installation processes are to highest of industry standards.

By purchasing your new lawn from a supplier who has this certification, you are giving your lawn the best chance of a long life before you even lay it!

Not sure where you can find a supplier with this accreditation? Look no further! Sydney Lawn & Turf is proud to be AusGAP certified.

Keep to a strict turf maintenance programme

To ensure your turf will last, you must give it the best chance of survival possible by maintaining it to the best conditions. This means giving your lawn the care and attention it requires, to flourish and continue its strong healthy growth.

A strict turf maintenance programme will include a healthy and frequent amount of watering, a smart yearly timetable for fertilising and a decent mow every so often.

When first laid, your maintenance routine should be slightly different and more consistent to help the turf take root. Once established, you can introduce mowing and slightly reduce watering.

To see what is needed to obtain proper routine, read our turf maintenance page.

Monitor and respond to environmental factors

On top of the above, if you want to make sure your turf will last, it is crucial you also monitor and keep an eye on external environmental factors.

The most obvious factor is the weather. For example, the level of sun exposure and the amount of rain are some factors you should consider when planning your maintenance schedule.

f you are experiencing a heatwave, your lawn might require a little more watering than usual to help keep it from dying.

Monitor and respond to environmental factors

If it is raining, you may need to cut back on giving it water as the rain has already fulfilled this requirement.

By assessing these factors, you will be able to correctly cater to your lawns needs, in hand, giving it a better chance of surviving in the long-run.

Looking for grass that will last? Visit Sydney Lawn & Turf! As one of Sydney’s leading turf suppliers, we can provide you with quality turf that can last a lifetime.

To order your turf, visit our website and make an order online. Feel free to give us a call on 1800 458 859 for other enquiries.

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