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Everything you should know about Bermuda Grass


If you’ve ever looked into turf in Sydney, you’ve no doubt come across ‘Bermuda Grass’, and for good reason. Bermuda grass is a popular variety in Australia, particularly for golf courses and sporting fields, but it’s also quite prominent in backyards. If it’s turf prices you’re concerned with, TifTuf Bermuda is also relatively easy on the bank. So whether you’re looking to install some new turf or you’re just brushing up on your grass knowledge, here’s everything you should know about Bermuda turf.

As it is a warm season grass, it is ideal for the Australian climate. This is one of the key reasons as to why it is so popular. It is very quick to grow, particularly when it receives a lot of sun, and when it is grown, it is one of the most dense and lush turf varieties out there.

Its soft texture makes it great for children and pets to play on, so it is a great choice for a backyard turf. Its wear-resistance also makes it an ideal choice for soccer and football fields, and since it can be cut very short, for golf courses.

The Australian climate is a relatively dry one. Bermuda is great in heat and drought conditions and will continue to flourish even in times where it receives little water. In terms of maintenance, it only needs a light watering every week during hot conditions to keep it looking lush.

Another huge plus of TifTuf Bermuda is that it is rarely prone to weed problems. It is excellent at repairing itself if problems do occur, and it hardly requires any fertilising.

One thing to be weary of when it comes to Bermuda turf is the rapid way in which it can spread. If you’re wanting the grass to spread over a large area, this can be a huge bonus, but make sure you border off the area in which you want the turf to grow. If not properly maintained, Bermuda can spread into vegetable gardens and so forth and wreak havoc.

Looking for the best turf suppliers in Sydney? We at Sydney Lawn and Turf Supplies provide premium quality turf at affordable prices. For any questions regarding our TifTuf Bermuda grass, or any other varieties we grow, feel free to give us a call on 1800 458 859!

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