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Common seasonal lawn problems

Common seasonal lawn problems

In Australia, we experience some of the most extreme weather conditions in the world. From hot summers to torrential rainy winters and the common drought in between, we definitely get hit hard. But we’re not the only ones that are affected by the climate— our lawns are impacted as well.

You’ll notice through the changing seasons, there are different lawn issues that appear throughout the year. As one of Sydney’s leading turf suppliers, we have a solution for you. Keep reading this article to identify your issue and how you can combat it.


From extreme heat to dry winds, summer can be extremely harsh on our lawn’s health. With the strong sun, we aren’t the only ones to get burnt! A great way to maintain the health of your lawn in the hot weather is to make sure it is getting enough water. When you know it is going to be a hot day, we recommend watering your lawn in the early morning to ensure it is getting hydrated

With the sun also comes growth for your lawn. The sun helps your grass develop—and seeing a lot of this in summer, you will notice your grass grows very quickly over the warmer season.

Even though growth might be slow due to the harsh dryness, you will generally find that you’ll need to mow your lawn more often. To maintain the height of your grass, we encourage you to mow it once a week during this time of year.

Lawn mowing


In autumn, you’ll find the sun is not as active as it was back in summer. This can result in your lawn not getting enough sun.

For most turfs, this is generally an issue as they require a certain amount of sunlight. Even if you have the shade tolerant Sir Grange, a great tip is to manage the shade your lawn is getting by trimming trees and shrubs that block the sun from reaching your grass.

With the weather calming down, pests find this as the perfect time to attack your lawn. It is common for you to spot some grubs wandering around your lawn, but as soon as you do, you’ll want to make sure you are getting rid of them! We recommend using any Lawn Grub killer and getting on top of it as soon as possible.


With the colder season comes rain. Whereas rain provides good watering for your turf, too much of it can oversaturate your lawn and result in brown and patchy grass.

When too much water is collected, the oxygen is taken out of the grass which can cause boggy lawns that are prone to damage. To fix this, you will want to add more drainage to your garden.

Frequent dampness on lawns can also cause moss and algae to develop. At first, it may look harmless, but if not handled, this can take over your lawn and stop grass from growing. To get on top of this issue, we recommend removing it with a spade or using Moss Killer.


Coming from cold weather and dormant grass, bare spots are common and can be expected in spring.

To fix this, we recommend putting a barrier over the patch and then apply the right amount of seeds. For a recommendation on the quantity you should use, speak to one of our friendly staff!

Bare patches on lawn

In spring, everything is coming back to life and flourishing—and weeds are no exception. It is encouraged you get rid of weeds as soon as possible before they spread across your lawn. To do this, you can simply pull each weed out. However, you may need to invest in some weed killer if it is a larger issue.

Need more advice? Feel free to contact us! At Sydney Lawn & Turf Supplies, all our turf varieties are backed by Lawn Solutions Australia and come with ten years warranty.

Want more information? Give us a call on 1800 458 859.


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