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Choosing DNA Certified Sir Walter buffalo turf

If you’re on the hunt for some new turf, you probably keep seeing ‘Sir Walter buffalo grass’ pop up. Well, there’s a reason for this. Sir Walter turf not only has a great price but it’s perfect for pretty much every lawn out there. Boasting incredible year-round characteristics like drought and shade tolerance, it offers a very high quality, luscious, soft-leaf surface. Having stood the test of time, Sir Walter buffalo turf is a very wise choice.

A problem these days is that a lot of growers are labelling and selling their Sir Walter product but it’s not DNA or AusGap certified. Without this certification, it’s very difficult to know what exactly it is you’re purchasing, especially since the average person doesn’t know a lot about different turf varieties. It could be a completely different type of grass!

To some people, the purchase of turf may have little thought put into it, but to many, a flourishing lawn is the renovation they need to increase the overall value of their home.

Until quite recently, only licensed farmers were allowed to grow Sir Walter buffalo turf and sell it. Now, any grower can claim that they’re selling the genuine product, but if they aren’t certified, then who knows?
When returning homes, we’ve seen far too many times that they had previously purchased ‘Sir Walter buffalo’ and, without the owner’s knowledge, it wasn’t the authentic product. These cheap substitutes that many growers are using result in a lawn with little environmental tolerance, a shorter life span and a duller colour.

Purchasing DNA Certified Sir Walter buffalo turf will ensure the product is genuine quality and allow your homes exterior to stand out. The turf supplier should be a Lawn Solutions Australia member, ensuring you receive the authentic product with its 10-year warranty. And finally, they should also be AusGap certified, assuring that the product is genetically pure. Check for each of these logos on their website and you’ll know that you’re in good hands.

If competitive Sir Walter turf price is what you’re after, we’ve got you covered! In terms of authenticity, we tick every box. We’ve got the knowledge to answer any questions, so feel free to give us a call on 1800 458 859!

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