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Care and Maintenance For Kikuyu Turf

Kikuyu Turf No one wants dry patches and weeds in their lawn. Kikuyu turf is an economical, drought-tolerant, instant lawn solution. Yet, just like any other turf, it needs proper care and maintenance to keep it lush and beautiful.

How to keep your kikuyu turf green and healthy:


Kikuyu turf grows quickly, requiring more frequent mowing than other varieties. Mowing kikuyu turf at a consistent height and frequency promotes root growth and prevents thatch build-up.

Water schedule for Kikuyu Turf

All turf needs water, but make sure you don’t overwater your Kikuyu turf. Keep the soil moist, especially for newly established turf. Watering can be reduced once the roots take hold. During warmer months, water once every 7 to 10 days, and in the winter, only minimal watering is needed.

Prevent soil compaction

Aerating your lawn is one of the most important ways to prevent dead grass. It keeps your soil moist and improves the supply of air and water into the roots. Aerate your turf with every change of season to keep your lawn green and healthy all year round.

Direct sunlight

Kikuyu turf thrives in warm weather and direct sunlight. If you plan to purchase this variety, make sure to consider your climate environmental conditions including sunlight and soil quality. Kikuyu turf requires a soil pH level of 5.5 to 6.5.


Fertilising improves the quality of your lawn and gets rid of weeds, pests and disease. Be careful when using weed herbicides as it may not work well with your kikuyu turf. Ask local turf experts for the recommended fertiliser for your specific variety of turf.
The ideal time for fertilising kikuyu is in the summer. Remember not to fertilise heavily or you’ll have to mow more than once a week.

Need lawn advice?

Our turf experts know how to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful. Whether you want to learn about the latest landscape maintenance trends, need lawn tips or turf supplies in Sydney, we can give you the best lawn solutions. Call 1800 458 859 or visit www.sydneylawnandturf.com.au.

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