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4 Organic Lawn Solutions for Your Sir Walter Turf

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Sir Walter is a strong and attractive turf preferred by most Sydney property owners. Nothing beats its lush, green and soft-leaf features that make any lawn look fresh and healthy. Sir Walter lawns need proper care and year round maintenance to keep it healthy. We’ve collected some tips on how to keep your Sir Walter turf naturally green and weed-free.

  • Water Your Sir Walter Lawn

Sir Walter lawns are drought tolerant but need efficient and effective watering to keep the soil moist. If your Sir Walter turf is freshly laid, give it a good, deep water frequently until the roots are established.

Once Sir Walter turf has rooted into the soil, you can decrease the amount of watering depending on your climate. The preferred amount is to wet the soil depth of 150mm. The best day to water is early morning hours from 4 am to 8 am.

  • Control Thatch Growth

A thatch is a layer of dead and living grass at the top of the soil. While having some thatches is good for lawns, a thick layer also affects lawn health.

The causes of thatch build-up includes too much watering, high lawn mowing, heavy clay soil and too much nitrogen in the soil due to over-fertilising.

If you aren’t sure, feel the lawn to determine how thick the thatch is. For small layers of thatch, use rake or aerator tools to de-thatch and use a vertical mower for larger.

  • Aerate Your Sir Walter Lawn

Aerating your Sir Walter lawn allows more air and water to penetrate the roots. It loosens compacted soil that would otherwise prevent the turf from getting the nutrients it need.

To aerate, make small holes into the lawn using simple garden tools like a pitchfork or an aerator.

  • Mow At the Right Height

Sir Walter turf should be mowed at the right height to enhance the density of the lawn. Mowing prevents thatch build up and scalping creating a greener and healthier turf.

Dry summer is the best time to mow Sir Walter lawn. It is best keep the blades raised at a height of 40-50mm (or higher in the winter months) to keep your Sir Walter turf green and health

If you need expert advice on Sir Walter from leading turf suppliers in Sydney, call 1800 458 859 or visit www.sydneylawnandturf.com.au for more information.

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